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Resources for Students and Instructors

Student ITS Competitions

During the 4th University Workshop, participants suggested that the ITS PCB Program develop a student competition to assist ITS students in developing their communication and presentation skills for non-academic audiences, as well as to facilitate connections with potential employers. As a result, the ITS PCB Program developed the Transportation Technology Tournament (TTT). The TTT is an annual event that begins in the winter and ends with final presentations to judges in the summer. The inaugural competition cycle was held in 2018.

The 2019 competition is being planned in partnership with the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE). Final presentations will take place during the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) annual meeting in Austin, Texas in July 2019.

The ITS PCB Program recognizes the value that competitions have to students, and so will also use this webpage to advertise other ITS-related student competitions as well. Please check back regularly for updates. To notify the ITS PCB Program of an ITS competition you’d like advertised, please contact

A detailed description of the TTT, its deadlines, and a list of the student teams participating is available at

Photo of people and instructore in a seminar setting

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For inquiries regarding the ITS PCB Program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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