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Data and Connected Vehicle Support of Active Traffic Management Strategies
(October 31, 2016)

Estimating Connected Vehicle Market Penetration with the Consideration of Socioeconomic Characteristics of a Region

Presenter: Md Shahadat Iqbal
Presenter’s Org: Florida International University (FIU)

The purpose of the T3e webinar series is to provide a platform for students to share their research findings. References in this webinar to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. DOT.

The slides in this presentation are branded with the FIU Engineering and Computing logo.

Slide 1: Presenter Introduction

Md Shahadat Iqbal, Ph.D. Candidate

  • Research Interests:
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Connected Vehicle
    • Traveler Information System
    • Traffic Simulation
  • Dissertation Title:
    • Assessment of Traveler Information System Processes with the Consideration of Connected Vehicle Technologies
  • Selected Honors/Awards:
    • Anne S. Brewer Scholarship Award, ITS Florida, 2015
    • STRIDE Best Poster Award, 2014

[This slide contains a photo of Md Shahadat Iqbal.]

Slide 2: Problem Statement

Future market penetration of connected vehicle

[This slide contains a graph that displays the predicted future steady growth of connected vehicle market penetration.]

Slide 3: Problem Statement (Con’t)

Vehicle age distribution (Miller et al., 2002)

[This slide contains a line graph that shows the vehicle age distribution.]

Slide 4: Methodology

Determination of Zone Specific MP

[This slide contains a line graph that shows the prediction that the percentage of connected vehicles (CVs) will increase steadily over time.]

Slide 5: Methodology

MP at zonal level → CV trips and non-CV trips from each zone → Traffic Assignment → MP variation at link level

Slide 6: Result

Links CV percentage is lognormally distributed

[This slide contains four graphs: empirical and theoretical dens, Q-Q Plot, Empirical and Theoretical CDFs, and P-P plot.]

Slide 7: Result

Variation of CV market penetration

[This slide contains a vertical bar graph that show the results from the variation of CV market penetration.]

Slide 8: Application

  1. NGSIM
    • Vehicle Trajectory Data
  2. TCA
    • A tool developed by FHWA
    • Modified to incorporate stochasticity
  3. CV Data
    • BSM data
  4. Travel Time
    • Further processed to get travel time

Slide 9: Application

Travel time error at different MP of CV

[This slide contains a line graph that shows the MAPE of travel time error at different market penetrations of CV.]

Slide 10: Application

Travel time error at different year

[This slide contains a line graph that shows the MAPE of travel time over Year of CV implementation.]

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