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Professional Development Hours Policy

The T3 Webinar Program does not officially offer Professional Development Hours (PDHs); however, your participation in a T3 Webinar may qualify as PDH-eligible activity with your licensing agency. Upon request, the T3 Webinar Program can provide a letter verifying your attendance. Please contact to make a request.

After the webinar, you will receive an email with a link to a webinar feedback form. Complete and submit the online feedback form and webinar administrators will email you a confirmation of participation in 7-10 business days. The confirmation contains the webinar title, date, duration, and a description of the webinar. It also displays your responses to the feedback questions. Submit the confirmation to your licensing agency. Upon consent, the licensing agency will convert the webinar hours into PDHs and proceed with the PDH awarding process.

The typical T3 Webinar is 90 minutes long, the equivalent of 1.5 PDHs (1.0 PDH per hour of participation in the webinar).

The typical T3e Webinar is 60 minutes long, the equivalent of 1.0 PDH (1.0 PDH per hour of participation in the webinar).

Note: Webinar administrators cannot submit the confirmation of participation to a licensing agency on your behalf. The determination of a T3 Webinar’s PDH-eligibility is the province of the licensing agency, not the T3 Webinar Program.

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For inquiries regarding the ITS PCB Program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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