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ITS in Academics

ITS Community College Workshop #1
September 20-21, 2017 | ITS America Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Day 2 Presentation | September 21, 2017

Transportation Tech Overview

Presenter: Valerie Lefler
Presenter’s Org: Integrated Global Dimensions (IGD)

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Slide 1: Transportation Tech Overview

Valerie Lefler, CEO & Ryan Johnsen, Vice President

[This slide contains the Integrated Global Dimensions | See your work change the world logo and the Transportation Tech logo.]

Slide 2: Roadmap

  • Transportation Tech Origins
  • Training & Academic Outreach
  • Troubleshooting Forum
  • Equipment Resource
  • Accelerator Newsletter

[This slide contains a graphic image of a green traffic sign displaying the words “The Beginning.”]

Slide 3: Origins of Transportation Tech

  • U.S. DOT Small Business Innovation Research Grant (SBIR)

[This slide contains the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) logo.]

Slide 4: Origins of Transportation Tech

  • State DOTs & Industry in continuous need of technical professionals
  • Most training currently on-the job, requires a lot of time
  • Continuous difficulty establishing traditional programs in academia
  • Traditional educational models inadequate, slow to adapt

[This slide contains a close-up photo of a man working with cabling/wiring at street level while men in two cherry pickers work on traffic lights on a horizontal pole above the roadway.]

Slide 5: ITS Technician Demand Crisis…

Shipments of ITS Devices, by Region, Through 2019 (Million Units)

Region 2012 2013 2014 (est.) 2019 CAGR%
North America (NA) 31.3 41.4 56.1 182.8 26.6
Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) 38.8 51.3 68.8 232.7 27.6
Asia-Pacific (APAC) 40.8 56.7 80.3 301.8 30.3
Caribbean and Latin America (CALA) 11.9 16.1 21.9 77.9 28.9
Total 122.8 165.5 227.1 795.2 28.5

Slide 6: Phase 1: Evaluate & Plan (Completed January 2016)

  • Content Outline for ITS & CV Certification Levels 1, 2, & 3
  • Study of Existing Coursework & Training Available
  • Survey of Existing Community College Faculty & Students on Interest
  • ITS & CV Sample Modules
  • Business Plan
  • The Accelerator Online Newsletter Proof of Concept

[This slide contains a photo of the inside of a Traffic Management Center.]

Slide 7: Phase 2: Create Learning Content & Technical Support Resources

  • ITS DACUM (Designing A CUrriculuM)
  • On Demand Educational Content
    • Certification Opportunities
    • Renewal Opportunities
    • Education Outreach

[This slide contains a photo of a person in a cherry picker working on equipment that is attached to a tall pole.]

Slide 8: Phase 2: Create Learning Content & Technical Support Resources

  • Learning Management System
  • Technician Support Services
    • Trouble Shooting Forum
    • Product Guide & User Reports
  • Publication of The Accelerator

[This slide contains a photo of a person in a construction bucket wearing a safety helmet and reflective vest, working on cameras and electronics that are attached to poles.]

Slide 9: Curriculum Development Partners

  • Metropolitan Community College
    • Curriculum Development & Quality Control
    • Technical Advisory Role
    • DACUM Creation
    • Prototype Program Establishment
  • Michigan Tech
    • Connected Vehicle Curriculum Development
    • Academic Outreach Modules
    • M City & CV SMEs

[This slide contains the Metropolitan Community College logo and the Michigan Tech logo.]

Slide 10: Boots On the Ground Partnership

  • ITS Technicians, Managers, Engineers in the Field
  • Content & Learning Experts
  • Cross Regional Perspective
  • State & Municipal Partnerships

[This slide contains the following logos: New York City DOT, Nebraska DOT, Wyoming DOT, Wisconsin DOT, Kansas City SCOUT, and City of Lincoln Nebraska Traffic Engineering.]

Slide 11: Designing A CurriculUM (DACUM)

  • Methodical Breakdown of Profession & Complex Skills
  • Establishment of Syntax & Baseline Position Requirements

[This slide contains a photo of four DACUM participants: Gary Covey (K.C. SCOUT), Jeff Felty (City of Lincoln), Keith Tupper, and Tommy Scott (WYDOT).]

Slide 12: Designing A CUriculM (DACUM)

  • Primary Understanding Established
  • Survey of Professional Community
  • Final Input Registered into DACUM Archive at The Ohio State University
  • Visit to take survey

[This slide contains a screenshot of Question 1 of a survey distributed to the professional ITS community that asks participants to indicate the importance of various ITS-related tasks.]

Slide 13: Training Development

  • Professional Applications:
    • Employee Onboarding & Advancement
    • Technology Expansion
    • Knowledge Certification & Endorsement Renewal
    • Continuing Education & Edutainment

[This slide contains a photo of two Industrial Gigabit switches.]

Slide 14: Mobile - Micro - Relevant

  • Bite Sized Content
    • 5-15 Minutes
    • Specific Topic Focused
    • Design Training to Position Requirements
  • Online Format
    • Mobile Responsive & Repeatable
    • Comprehension tested
  • Visuals from Real World Installations
    • Prove It Activity - “Case Studies”

[This slide contains two screenshots from online ITS lessons.]

Slide 15: Multi-Disciplinary Approach

  • Applicable to Various Fields of Study
    • Electronics
    • Information Technology/Computer Science
    • Engineering
    • Automotive
  • Adjusts to Range of Expertise & Adapts as Technology Evolves

[This slide contains a photo of a person testing a wire connection.]

Slide 16: Customizable Training Content

  • Course Compliments:
    • Teachers or Managers Select Modules Based Upon Expertise or Lesson Objectives
  • Projects:
    • Custom Arrangement of Courses for Specific Installation Projects
  • Common Errors:
    • Custom Arrangement of Courses to Address Major Recurring Issues
  • Background “centric”:
    • Custom Arrangement of Courses Based Upon Work History

[This slide contains a photo of a piece of digital equipment with a screen and numerical and directional buttons.]

Slide 17: Badging & Certification

  • 3 Levels of Certification
  • Gamification
    • Accomplishment
  • Completion Certification
    • Badgr
    • Not-For-Credit Start
    • Establish Career Certificate Program
    • Groundwork for Full Degree Programs

[This slide contains the Metropolitan Community College logo and a screenshot of an online directory of badges that can be obtained through participation in online training courses.]

Slide 18: Academic Outreach & Program Establishment

  • Student & Faculty Utilization:
    • Community College Credit Based Course Content Enhancement
    • University Course Content Enhancement & Research Preparation
    • High School Class Supplement or STEM After School Program Use

[This slide contains a photo of four people working at computer screens.]

Slide 19: Primary Goal of Transportation Tech

  • Curriculum for Community College & High School Students
    • More students in the ITS Technician Career Pipeline

  • Professional Development Content for ITS Technicians
    • Assist professionals from all disciplines get “as needed” technical content for ITS technical skill development

Slide 20: Primary Development Plans

  • Overview:
    • 3 Levels of Certification
    • 60 Hours of Training to Be Developed Overall

[This slide contains a screenshot of an Excel worksheet showing the content of Phase 1 Training Development.]

Slide 21: Establish Hybrid Learning Program

  • Combine Existing Academic Offerings with DOT/Industry Curated Transportation Tech Content
  • Apply Combination via Part Time OJT or Internship
  • Undergo Professional Certification as Needed (IMSA, CDL)

[This slide contains a screenshot of an Excel worksheet of a Quarter 1 Course Plan.]

Slide 22: Establish Hybrid Learning Program

  • Combine Existing Academic Offerings with DOT/Industry Curated Transportation Tech Content
  • Apply Combination via Part Time OJT or Internship
  • Undergo Professional Certification as Needed (IMSA, CDL)

[This slide contains a screenshot of an Excel worksheet of a Quarter 2 Course Plan.]

Slide 23: Establish Hybrid Learning Program

  • Combine Existing Academic Offerings with DOT/Industry Curated Transportation Tech Content
  • Apply Combination via Part Time OJT or Internship
  • Undergo Professional Certification as Needed (IMSA, CDL)

[This slide contains a screenshot of an Excel worksheet of a Quarter 3 Course Plan.]

Slide 24: Establish Hybrid Learning Program

  • Combine Existing Academic Offerings with DOT/Industry Curated Transportation Tech Content
  • Apply Combination via Part Time OJT or Internship
  • Undergo Professional Certification as Needed (IMSA, CDL)

[This slide contains a screenshot of an Excel worksheet of a Quarter 4 Course Plan.]

Slide 25: Learning Management System

  • Manager/Educator Overview:
    • Completion Record
    • Monitor Progress
    • Scores on Evaluations
    • Activity Log
  • Designate ‘Learning Paths’
  • Customizable to Individual Organizations

[This slide contains a screenshot of the Learning Management System.]

Slide 26: Learning Management System

  • Dedicated Login & Learning Platform
  • Customizable to Individual Organizations, Institution
  • Instructors from DOT & Academic Institution

[This slide contains a screenshot of another section of the online Learning Management System.]

Slide 27: Equipment & Support Directory

  • Vendor Directory
  • User Reviews
  • Searchable
  • Comparison Shop

[This slide contains a screenshot of the Equipment & Support Directory, displaying two controllers and one cabinet.]

Slide 28: Tech Support Forum

  • End Goal: Establish a Self Sustaining Professional Community
  • Provide Field Support for Chronic Issues
  • Generational Transfer of Knowledge
  • Equipment Discussion & Exchange of Legacy Equipment

[This slide contains a screenshot of the Tech Support Forum.]

Slide 29: (No title)

[This slide contains screenshots from “The Accelerator,” a Transportation Tech newsletter.]

Slide 30: Partners Wanted!

  • DOT/Industry Joint Training Development
  • Technical Academic Certificate or Program Creation
  • Subject Matter Experts

[This slide contains an image of Uncle Sam and the words “We Want You.”]

Slide 31: Question & Answer

[This slide contains a graphic of three cubes with question marks on all of their faces.]

Slide 32: Thank You

Valerie Lefler, CEO,

Ryan Johnsen, Vice President,

[This slide contains the Integrated Global Dimensions | See your work change the world logo and the Transportation Tech logo.]

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For inquiries regarding the ITS PCB Program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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