ITS Academic Workshops
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ITS PCB Virtual Community College Workshop Series
Session 1: Tuesday June 30, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Image descriptions are contained in brackets. [ ]
Slide 1: NOCoE Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
NOCoE Founding Partners
- ITS America
- USDOT Federal Highway Administration
NOCoE Team
- Patrick Son, Managing Director
- Sarah Abel, Technical Program Manager
- Niloo Parvinashtiani, Technical Services Associate
- Adam Hopps, Communications and Program Manager
- Thomas Kern, Senior Associate
Slide 2: What is a Paraprofessional
An individual supporting a professional in fields such as education, engineering, healthcare, and law.
A paraprofessional may be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills through certification, education, and/or experience.
Paraprofessionals are normally under the responsible charge of a licensed professional and may be assigned levels of responsibility commensurate with their knowledge and skills.
Slide 3: What is a TSMO Paraprofessional
A TSMO paraprofessional is a position supporting the management and operations of transportation infrastructure.
A TSMO paraprofessional may exert a high level of judgment in the performance of their work.
TSMO paraprofessionals can comprehend and apply knowledge of basic engineering principles in the solution of broadly defined TSMO problems at a cursory level.
TSMO paraprofessionals provide traffic management center operations services and a variety TSMO field services.
Slide 4: So Where do I Find?
Recruiting a TSMO Workforce
Model TSMO Position Descriptions
Developing a TSMO Workforce
TSMO Workforce Retention
Slide 5: Connected Vehicles Technology - Lessons Learned from Field Deployments
Blaine D Leonard, P.E., Transportation Technology Engineer, Utah Department of Transportation
Jonny Turner, Principal Electrical Engineer, The Narwhal Group
Ralph Koeber, Electrical Engineer, The Narwhal Group
Slide 6
The Connected Vehicle system uses wireless technologies to exchange information with:
- Other vehicles (V2V),
- Roadside infrastructure (V2I), and
- Other travelers (peds, bikes, etc) (V2X)
to help the driver avoid hazards and drive more efficiently
Slide 7: Connected Vehicle V2X Options
- Roadside Unit (RSU)
- On-Board Unit (OBU)
[This slide contains pictures of an RSU and an OBU.]
DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication)
Developed and evolved to meet specific needs 802.11 standards (like WiFi) Uses 5.9GHz Spectrum Very low latency (10-50 millisecond) 300-meter range Tested, proven, broadly deployed, available Future Path to IEEE NGV
Slide 8: Connected Vehicle V2X Options
[This slide contains pictures of an RSU and an OBU.]
802.11 standards
- Uses 5.9GHz spectrum
- Short-range, low-latency
- Broadly deployed
- Future Path: IEEE NGV
C-V2X (Cellular V2X)
- Cellular 4G-LTE technology (not “5G”)
Built on 3GPP Release 14 (2017) and 15 (2018)
- Requesting access to 5.9GHz spectrum
- Short-range, low-latency
- Newer, not broadly tested yet
- Commercial availability emerging
- Not interoperable with DSRC
Slide 9: Typical Roadside Installation
[This slide contains a diagram of how the RSU is mounted on the arm of the traffic light with a transportation field cabinet intalled at the base of the traffic light.]
Source: USDOT / ITE RSU Standard Concept of Operations (draft) – 05-2020
Slide 10: SPaT Challenge Deployments
"Local Pilots of National Significance"
[This slide contains a map of the United States with SPaT broadcase units depicted.]
Challenge state and local public sector transportation Infrastructure Owners & Operators (IO&Os) to deploy DSRC infrastructure with SPaT broadcasts in at least one coordinated corridor or network (approximately 20 signalized intersections) in each state by January 2020.
20 Intersections in 50 States by 2020!
Slide 11: UDOT Connected Vehicle Deployments
[This slide contains two maps, one of Salt Lake County and the other of Utah County with two images overlapping the maps. One image of buses and one of a snow plow.]
Slide 12: FCC Wireless Spectrum
5.9GHz &Safety& Spectrum
[This slide contains a graphic of radio spectrum with a highlighted area for 5.9GHz “Safety” Spectrum.]
Slide 13: Skills Needed
Signal/ITS Technician (Electrician)
- Safety: traffic control, utilities, signal cabinet and tools
- Equipment Operation: safety, driving, and operation
- Electrical Theory: AC vs DC, volts, amps, resistance, power and Ohm’s Law
- Traffic signal operation, electronics and interfaces
- Vehicle electrical system, operation and interfaces
- Field Measurements: volts, amps and resistance
- Radio Installation (mechanical skills): alignment, drilling, cutting, banding, dressing
- Cable Installation: junction box access, cable routing and pulling, terminations, cable testing and dressing
- Surge Suppression
- Power over Ethernet
[This slide contains two photographs of pieces of equpiment.]
Slide 14: Skills Needed
Information Technology (IT)
- Networking: wired and wireless, IP addressing, subnetting, routing, IPV4 vs IPV6, port configuration, vlan, remote access
- Windows Command Line Environment: check IP, run ping commands
- Linux Command Line Environment: check and configure IP, folder navigation, file transfer, file editing (i.e., vi, nano, etc)
- Cabling Basics: cable distribution, fiber optic vs copper networks
- Real-time data handling
- Database management
- Packet capture (Wireshark)
- Firmware updates
- Technical writing
[This slide contains two screen captures of computer terminal logs.]
Slide 15: Skills Needed
Engineering / Computer Science
- File Editing: configuration files
- Security Certificate Management System (SCMS)
- RF Theory: transmit, receive, dBm, interference, dual radio impacts (not like COTS radio links)
- Hardware design
- Programming
- Device testing
- Configuration files
- Understanding of applications
- MIBs
- Encoding/Decoding
- Next-level support from manufacturers
- Data Analysis
- Technical writing
[This slide contains two screen captures. (1) a bird's eye view of a road and (2) a diagram of an electrical component.]
Slide 16: Skills Needed
On the Job Training (OJT) – To round things out
- Alphabet Soup: DSRC, CV2X, OBU, RSU, Dual Unit, BSM, MAP, SPaT, TIM, FCC, Spectrum, Frequency, Channels, PSID, IEEE 1609, SAE J2735, J2945, 3GPP, NTCIP
- GIS: MAP Generation
- System monitoring analysis
- Custom Applications: ISD Message Creator, TIM Message Creator, Message Validator
- Proficiency with: VPN, SSH, Telnet, RDP, SCP
Slide 17: Lessons Learned
- We have found that the implementation of this technology requires professionals from all of these areas
- This rapidly changing technology and their deployments have proven to give consistent challenges and growth to those that have chosen to do this work
- Ideal candidates have IT or Engineering background that are willing to work on the side of a busy road, 20’ in the air, in extreme environments (which electricians, signal and ITS techs do regularly)
- This work provides a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction
[This slide contains a picture of a CAV Tech at work.]
Slide 18: UTDOT - Keeping Utah Moving
[This slide contains three images. (1) an intersecion with a mounted device on a pole. (2) an electic vehicle. (3) two buses at an intersection.]
Slide 19: Connected Intersection MAP Messages
Dean Deeter, President, Athey Creek Consultants
Slide 20
SPaT Message:
- From the Signal Controller
- Current Signal Status for each approach (signal group)
- Expected time of next signal phase change
- Whether pedestrian cross walks are activated
- Others
Slide 21
MAP Message:
- Geographic map of an intersection (node points)
- Associated signal group for each lane
Slide 22: Key Skills / Resource Familiarity
- FHWA Mapping Tool: Available on-line
- GIS Tools and Software
- Online Mapping Resources: Google Maps, Bing Maps
- Data Collection Tools: LIDAR, UAVs, Traditional surveying equipment, handheld GPS
- Data Formats / Languages: XML, KML, JSON
- Location Correction: Approaches and Data Sources
Slide 23: The Migration Towards CV or AV Ready Work Zone Data (map message)
- Traveler Information Level
- Driver Information Level
- Driver Warning Level
Slide 24: The Migration Towards CV or AV Ready Work Zone Data (map message)
Work Zone Technology Innovations
Neil Boudreau
Assistant Administrator for Traffic & Safety
MassDOT – Highway Division
Slide 25: Why make Works Zones “Smart”?
Introduction of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) into the work zone provides:
- Improved communication for motorists
- Reduce driver distraction
- Increase mobility
- Worker Safety Measures
The future of Work Zone Innovations
- Solution-Based Work Zone Technology
- Digitally Connecting Work Zones
Slide 26: Examples of Innovations in Work Zone Safety
Slide 27: Vehicle Queue Warning Systems
Good for remote/off-peak construction
- Used to alert motorists of slow or stopped traffic before they reach the back of queue
- Helps to prevent rear-end crashes before they happen
Slide 28: Dynamic Merge Systems
Helps to dynamically manage traffic
- Early Merge: Light traffic; encourage aggressive drivers to merge into the open lane sooner than they would
- Late Merge: Effective for higher volumes of traffic where the congestion and backups are expected
Slide 29: Portable Traffic Signals
Many states use portable traffic signals to support work zone safety and mobility - but the market is getting smarter!
Use Video Detection
- Remote connection to message signs
- Countdown timer to help motorists
Slide 30: Variable Speed Limit Systems
Allow DOTs to dynamically reduce speed during active construction and when workers are present
Uses beacons to actively show to the motorist that work is going on
Slide 31: Connected Arrow Boards
Broadcast that road work active and what lanes are being closed – helps with mapping services
Now can monitor where all the active construction work zones are happening
Slide 32: Digital Mapping of Work Zones
Use Work Zone Location Sensors to digitally map the GPS location, where work zone begins and ends, and direction of travel
Data can be absorbed by traffic service providers to give improved guidance to approaching motorists
Slide 33: So who does this work?
Use of Smart Work Zone (ITS) technology requires a unique skill set that is not developed through most standard college programs
- Transportation Engineering Principles
- Systems Operations and Maintenance
- Computer Science / Basic Programing
- Electrical Technician
- Knowledge of Sensors
- Understanding of Communications Protocols
- Cyber Security
- Big Data
Solving Transportation needs with data analytics and technology
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