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Resources for Students and Instructors

Careers in ITS - Videos

Featuring a collection of videos to inform viewers of the range of opportunities available in ITS careers, the ITS JPO Video Library features a collection of videos to inform viewers of the range of career opportunities available in ITS. The library includes the video Intelligent Transportation Systems: Your Road to the Future, produced by the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota, which introduces the different types of jobs available in ITS, and Connected Vehicles and the Future of Transportation, which provides an overview of connected and automated vehicles (CV and AV). Both are linked below.

Connected Vehicles:
The Future of Transportation

Length: 7:22

Intelligent Transportation Systems:
Your Road to the Future

Length: 10:18

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For inquiries regarding the ITS PCB Program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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