Module 43 - CV261

CV261: Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) ITS Standards for Project Managers

HTML of the Student Supplement

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CV261: Vehicle-to-lnfrastructure (V2I) ITS Standards for Project Managers


Table of Contents

Introduction/Purpose - 2

Reference to Other Standards - 3

How to Access CV Applications - 5

Glossary - 6

Acronyms - 8

References - 9

Study Questions - 10

Icon Guide - 11

Updated November 2020


Module Description

This module is an introduction to the connected vehicle environment, with a focus on a standards-based vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. A companion module is CV262, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) ITS Standards for Project Managers, which focuses on standards-based V2V communication.


1. Introduction/Purpose

What are Connected Vehicles?

The term connected vehicles refers to applications, services, and technologies that connect a vehicle to its surroundings. A connected vehicle includes the different communication devices (embedded or portable) present in the vehicle, that enable in-car connectivity with other devices present in the vehicle and/or enable connection of the vehicle to external devices, networks, applications, and services. Applications include everything from traffic safety and efficiency, parking assistance, roadside assistance, remote diagnostics, and telematics to autonomous self-driving vehicles and global positioning systems (GPS). Typically, vehicles that include interactive advanced driver-assistance systems (ADASs) and cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) can be regarded as connected. Connected-vehicle safety applications are designed to increase situation awareness and mitigate traffic accidents through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications.

ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) technology can be based on vision/camera systems, sensor technology, vehicle data networks, V2V, or V2I systems. Features may include adaptive cruise control, automate braking, incorporate GPS and traffic warnings, connect to smartphones, alert the driver to hazards, and keep the driver aware of what is in the blind spot. V2V communication technology could mitigate traffic collisions and improve traffic congestion by exchanging basic safety information such as location, speed, and direction between vehicles within range of each other. It can supplement active safety features, such as forward collision warning and blind-spot detection. Connected vehicles technologies are also expected to be a fundamental component of automated driving as they will allow the exchange of sensor and awareness data among vehicles, cooperative localization and map updating, as well as facilitate cooperative maneuvers between automated vehicles.

What is Connected Vehicle (CV) Environment?

In broad terms, the CV environment consists of connected vehicles (V2V), connected V2P (individuals-person-pedestrian for P), and connected infrastructure (V2I) operating together to provide valuable services.

In order to operate together, this environment (devices) requires the use of communication technologies. For mobile devices (e.g., vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, etc.), connectivity is provided through a range of wireless (cellular) technologies.

Short range communications, which provide an open network over hundreds of meters so that vehicles approaching each other at speed can communicate and inform each other of their presence and movement (example, DSRC-dedicated short-range communication medium uses RF broadcasting radio to transmit/receive messages/data in short range).

Remote communications, which allow devices to access centralized services, such as fleet management capabilities, regional traffic management, personalized trip information, etc. (example, NTCIP-National Transportation for ITS Protocol used for control/command of field devices such as Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) or an Actuated Traffic Signal Controller-ASC).

Safety/Mobility applications are also part of CV environment and they process messages/data to provide benefits through collision avoidance/injuries and travel efficiency, just to identify a few examples. ARC-IT (National ITS Architecture, now called Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) v8.3 (2019) describes an array of these services and summarizes the vast amount of detail that has been developed to define how these systems work.

CV Benefits/Impacts

The connected vehicle environment has the potential to significantly reduce vehicular crashes, provide operators of surface transportation systems with more timely and accurate system performance data to better manage their systems, and provide travelers with access to specific traveler information. In such an environment, each vehicle on the roadway can also potentially serve as a data collector, providing transportation planners with a wealth of real-time travel data.

Purpose of this Module

This module introduces the connected vehicle environment and a description of the potential benefits and capabilities of a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) environment. The module presents several V2I safety, mobility, and environmental applications and discusses the types of information that may be exchanged between the different devices that make up the V2I environment. The module then presents the ITS Standards that help support the deployment of V2I applications. The module identifies key challenges in designing and implementing a V2I infrastructure, and outlines approaches to deploying the V2I infrastructure. The companion module on V2V (Module CV262) focuses on vehicle-based technology and V2V environment. Both modules collectively teach us how to plan, develop and implement CV applications.

It is essential that agencies use standards in deploying connected vehicle technologies to maximize the benefits from the connected vehicle environment. By taking this module, participants will learn what connected vehicle standards exist, where to find the standards, and how to use the connected vehicle standards to procure, implement and operate standards-based devices and equipment. These standards will enable interoperable V2X communication to enable implementation of CV safety and mobility, including V2I applications such as Transit Signal Priority (TSP), Curve Speed Warning, and Pedestrian in Crosswalk Warning (PCW).


2. Reference to Other Standards

USDOT (US Department of Transportation)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)


3. How to Access CV Applications shown in the Table

V2I Safety

Red Light Violation Warning
Curve Speed Warning
Slop Sign Gap Assist
Spot Weather Impact Warning
Reduced Speed/Work Zone Warning
Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk
Warning (Transit)

V2V Safety

Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Intersection Movement Assist (IMA)
Left Turn Assist (LTA)
Blind Spot/Lane Change Warning (BSW/LCW)
Do Not Pass Warning (DNPW)
Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus Warning (Transit)

Agency Data

Probe-based Pavement Maintenance
Probe-enabled Traffic Monitoring
Vehicle Classification-based Traffic Studies
CV-enabled Turning Movements & Intersection Analysis
CV-enabled Origin-Destination Studies
Work Zone Traveler Information


Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections
Eco-Traffic Signal Timing
Eco-Traffic Signal Priority
Connected Eco-Driving Wireless Inductive/Resonance Charging
Eco-Lanes Management
Eco-Speed Harmonization
Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Eco-Traveler Information
Eco-Ramp Metering
Low Emissions Zone Management
AFV Charging/Fueling Information
Eco-Smart Parking
Dynamic Eco-Routing (light vehicle. transit, freight)
Eco-ICM Decision Support System

Road Weather

Motorist Advisories and Warnings (MAW)
Enhanced MDSS
Vehicle Data Translator (VDT)
Weather Response Traffic Information (WxTINFO)


Advanced Traveler Information System
Intelligent Traffic Signal System (I-SIG)
Signal Priority (transit, freight)
Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System (PED-SIG)
Emergency Vehicle Preemption (PREEMPT)
Dynamic Speed Harmonization (SPD-HARM)
Queue Warning (Q-WARN)
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)
Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency
Respondent (RESP-STG)
Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers (INC-ZONE)
Emergency Communications and Evacuation (EVAC)
Connection Protection (T-CONNECT)
Dynamic Transit Operations (T-DISP)
Dynamic Ridesharing (D-RIDE)
Freight-Specific Dynamic Travel Planning and Performance Drayage Optimization

Smart Roadside

Wireless Inspection
Smart Truck Parking


CV applications detailed descriptions and supporting documentation can be accessed by clicking on the blue category tabs of the table shown above to the USDOT website:

The following applications Supporting Documentation can be accessed by clicking on each link shown below.


Supporting Documentation Links RLVW, CSW, and SSGA


Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk Warning (Transit)


4. Glossary

Term Definition
Application A piece of software that processes inputs for a specific use or purpose.
Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) A USDOT-developed common framework for planning, defining, and integrating intelligent transportation systems. It is a mature product that reflects the contributions of a broad cross-section of the ITS community (transportation practitioners, systems engineers, system developers, technology specialists, consultants, etc.).
Backhaul The closed network communications links between a Traffic Management Center (or other back offices), links between TMCs, and field installations (such as traffic signal controllers, traffic cameras, and other sensors). This could also include the link between the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) and roadside distribution device.
Basic Safety Message (BSM) The message containing the core data set transmitted by the connected vehicle for safety-related purposes (vehicle size, position, speed, heading acceleration, brake system status). The message includes an optional extension that can report additional data depending upon events (e.g., anti-lock brakes activated) but the availability of types of extension data varies by vehicle model. The BSM is tailored for low latency, localized broadcast required by V2V safety applications but can be used with many other types of applications.
Connected Device Any device used to transmit or receive messages from another device. Within the scope of V2X, we specifically mean those connected devices that are a part of an ITS trust domain, thereby allowing them to transmit and receive messages with other ITS-trusted connected devices. Within the scope of this course (V2V and V2P), we specifically mean those connected devices that are a part of the ITS trust domain established by the SCMS, thereby allowing them to transmit and receive messages with SCMS-trusted connected devices A connected device can be sub-categorized as an OBU or RSU.
Connected Vehicle A vehicle containing an OBU or Aftermarket Safety Device (ASD)
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) The use of non-voice radio techniques to transfer data over short distances between roadside and mobile radio units, between mobile units, and between portable and mobile units to perform operations related to the improvement of traffic flow, traffic safety and other intelligent transportation service applications in a variety of public and commercial environments. [FCC, Dedicated Short Range Communications of Intelligent Transportation Services - Final Rule, FR Doc No: 9930591]. A technology for the transmission of information between multiple vehicles (V2V) and between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure (V2I) using wireless technologies.
Interoperability Degree to which two or more systems, products or components can exchange information and use the information that has been exchanged. [ISO 24765:2017]
Latency A measure of time delay experienced in a system, the precise definition of which depends on the system and the time being measured. For a data element in this context, latency is the time difference between the time that data value is acquired by the source and the time the message is transmitted.
On-Board Equipment (OBE) This term refers to the complement of equipment located in the vehicle for the purpose of supporting the vehicle side of the applications. It is likely to include the radios, other radio equipment, message processing, driver interface, and other applications to support the use cases described herein. It is also referred to as the Vehicle ITS Station.
On-Board Unit (OBU) A vehicle mounted device used to transmit and receive a variety of message traffic to and from other connected devices (other OBUs and RSUs). Among the message types and applications supported by this device are vehicle safety messages, a primary subject of this standard, used to exchange information on each vehicle’s dynamic movements for coordination and safety.
RSE Roadside Equipment (RSE), a term used to describe the complement of equipment to be located at the roadside; the RSE will prepare and transmit messages to the vehicles and receive messages from the vehicles for the purpose of supporting the V2I applications. This is intended to include the DSRC radio, traffic signal controller where appropriate, interface to the backhaul communications network necessary to support the applications, and support such functions as data security, encryption, buffering, and message processing. It may also be referred to as the roadside ITS station.
RSU NTCIP 1218 standard defines RSU as: a field device that supports secure communications with connected devices, and devices and may include a computing platform running applications. The RSU exchanges data among nearby connected devices (vehicles or mobile devices), other ITS Roadside Devices, and management systems at centers (such as a Traffic Management Center (TMC) or a Connected Vehicle Back Office System). In this context, the RSU is a NTCIP device.

FCC defines RSU as a DSRC transceiver that is mounted along a road or pedestrian passageway. An RSU may also be mounted on a vehicle or is hand carried, but it may only operate when the vehicle or hand carried unit is stationary. Furthermore, an RSU operating under this part is restricted to the location where it is licensed to operate. However, portable or hand-held RSUs are permitted to operate where they do not interfere with a site licensed operation. An RSU broadcasts data to OBUs [On-Board Units] or exchanges data with OBUs in its communications zone. An RSU also provides channel assignments and operating instructions to OBUs in its communications zone, when required.

Security Certificate Management System (SCMS) A public key infrastructure (PKI) approach to security involving the management of digital certificates that are used to sign and authenticate messages that are exchanged among connected devices that might have no direct relationship with each other.
Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) A message type that describes the current state of a signal system and its phases and relates this to the specific lanes (and therefore to maneuvers and approaches) in the intersection.
V2I-Vehicle to Infrastructure The exchange of information between a vehicle and a roadside device or centralized equipment to enhance safety, mobility, and sustainability.
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) The exchange of information between a vehicle one or more connected devices to enhance safety, mobility, and sustainability. The other connected device might be another vehicle, a pedestrian or other vulnerable road user device, a roadside station, or a central system.
Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) The exchange of information between a vehicle and a connected device representing a pedestrian or other vulnerable road user to enhance safety, mobility, and sustainability.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) The exchange of information between vehicles to enhance safety, mobility, and sustainability.
WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) A low-overhead TransNet Layer protocol designed for use over DSRC. Common protocol designed for both network and transport layers with minimal overheads for direct broadcast communication.
WAVE- Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments A radio communications system intended to provide seamless, interoperable services to transportation users. Term is associated with IEEE 1609 family of standards.


5. Acronyms

Acronym Description
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
5G 5th Generation (cellular technology)
BSM Basic Safety Message
C-ITS Cooperative ITS
CV Connected Vehicle
C-V2X Cellular Vehicle-to-Anything
DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communications
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GNNS Global Navigation Satellite System (A generic name for GPS)
GPS Global Positioning System
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ISO International Standards Organization
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
LTE Long-Term Evolution (cellular technology)
OBE Onboard Equipment (OBU-Onboard Unit)
OBU Onboard Unit
RSE Roadside Equipment
RSU Roadside Unit
RSZW Reduced Speed Zone Warning SAE
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCMS Security Credential Management System
SDO Standards Development Organization
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
V2I Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
V2P Vehicle-to-Pedestrian
V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle
V2X Vehicle-to-Anything
WAVE Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
WIP Work in Progress
WSMP WAVE Short Message Protocol


6. References

  1. An Overview of USDOT Connected Vehicle Roadside Unit Research Activities-2017
  2. V2I Resources, USDOT,
  3. V2I Message Lexicon, USDOT, 2016
  4. Accelerated Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Safety Applications System Requirements Document
  5. AASHTO Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Analysis
  6. USDOT ITS Strategic Research Plan, 2020-2025.
  7. Preparing Local Agencies for the Future of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,2019, Iowa State University,
  8. USDOT DSRC Roadside Unit (RSU) Specifications Document, Version 4.0, April 15, 2014.
  9. USDOT Vehicle Awareness Device Specification, Version 3.6, January 25, 2012.
  10. USDOT "5.9GHz DSRC Aftermarket Safety" Device Specification, Version 3.0, 2011.
  11. Connected Vehicle Applications, USDOT. pilot apps.htm
  12. Security Credential Management System (SCMS):
  13. Connected Vehicle Modules: CV261, CV262: stds modules.aspx


7. Study Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT always a part of V2X communication services?

  1. Onboard Unit (OBU).
  2. Roadside Unit (RSU).
  3. Roadside Equipment (RSE).
  4. Center to a Field (C2F) Communication.

2. Which of the following is NOT a V2I application?

  1. Curve Speed Warning (CSW)
  2. Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
  3. Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
  4. Railroad Crossing Violation Warning (RCVW)

3. Which of the following standards is NOT directly related to DSRC V2I communication, but can be used?

  1. IEEE 1609 family (WAVE)
  2. SAE J2735 data dictionary
  3. NTCIP 1203 v3.0 (ASC)
  4. IEEE 802.11

4. Which of the following is NOT a technical challenge?

  1. Conformance to standards.
  2. Certification and interoperability testing of devices.
  3. Over the air Firmware (software) upgrades for devices.
  4. Data Ownership.

5. Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

  1. Testing has shown that Interoperability is achievable.
  2. V2I applications such as TSP are successfully deployed.
  3. DSRC is a reliable communication medium.
  4. Performance testing is completed during CV Pilots.


8. Icon Guide

The following icons are used throughout the module to visually indicate the corresponding learning concept listed out below, and/or to highlight a specific point in the training material.

1) Background information: General knowledge that is available elsewhere and is outside the module being presented. This will be used primarily in the beginning of slide set when reviewing information readers are expected to already know.

Background information icon indicates general knowledge that is available elsewhere and is outside the module being presented.

2) Tools/Applications: An industry-specific item a person would use to accomplish a specific task and applying that tool to fit your need.

Tools/Applications icon. An industry-specific item a person would use to accomplish a specific task, and applying that tool to fit your need.

3) Remember: Used when referencing something already discussed in the module that is necessary to recount.

Remember icon. Used when referencing something already discussed in the module that is necessary to recount.

4) Refer to Student Supplement: Items or information that are further explained/detailed in the Student Supplement.

Supplement icon indicating items or information that are further explained/detailed in the Student Supplement.

5) Example: Can be real-world (case study), hypothetical, a sample of a table, etc.

Example icon. Can be real-world (case study), hypothetical, a sample of a table, etc.

6) Checklist: Use to indicate a process that is being laid out sequentially.

Checklist icon used to indicate a process that is being laid out sequentially.

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