Automated vehicles
working together.
CARMA℠ is a USDOT initiative, developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), steering efforts to advance the research and development (R&D) of cooperative driving automation (CDA). Studies demonstrate the potential of CDA to transform the transportation system, boosting safety and system performance, among other benefits. Through collaboration and an open source software (OSS) approach, CARMA enables the development and testing of CDA features in the transportation ecosystem with properly equipped vehicles, infrastructure, and other road users–setting the foundation for interoperability across various transportation elements as well as the safe introduction of CDA to our Nation’s roads.
Read MoreThe CARMA product suite includes downloadable, open source platforms that integrate with vehicles, infrastructure, and the cloud to enable R&D in a replicated transportation system environment.
Explore ProductsThe CARMA Collaborative leverages shared expertise, stakeholder engagement, and strategic partnerships to propel CDA market readiness, industry adoption, and deployment.
Join the CommunityFHWA partnerships advance research through traffic, reliability, and freight use cases.
Intelligent Transportation
Systems Joint Program Office (ITSJPO)
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