Saving Lives with Connectivity: U.S. DOT’s Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment: A Message from ITS JPO Director Brian Cronin

As you may have heard, on Friday, August 16, the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) announced the release of the National V2X Deployment Plan. The National V2X Deployment Plan provides a vision of how vehicle-to-everything (V2X) deployments will enable a safer, secure, and more efficient transportation system, while maintaining privacy and consumer protection, with the goal of reducing the number of roadway fatalities to the only acceptable number: zero.

In the fall of 2023 the U.S. DOT presented the Draft National V2X Deployment Plan to accelerate the deployment of V2X in conjunction with the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) and its adopted Safe System Approach. Following the release of the Draft Plan, stakeholders were given an opportunity to react and submit feedback to the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO). The more than 800 responses gave the ITS JPO an opportunity to address stakeholder concerns and refine the plan.

Projected timeline of interoperable V2X deployments and actions taken by USDOT, Infrastructure Owner-Operators, and private sector.
Source: USDOT

Respondents offered constructive and critical feedback that the ITS JPO took into consideration as it finalized the National V2X Deployment Plan. Key feedback addressed coordinating with other entities (including the Federal Communications Commission and Original Equipment Manufacturers), ensuring cybersecurity and interoperability on a national level, tracking deployment progress and measuring benefits, providing funding and training opportunities for deployers, and more.

The National V2X Deployment Plan represents a major part of the ITS JPO’s vision of enabling a safe, secure, efficient, equitable, and sustainable transportation system through the national, widespread deployment of secure, interoperable V2X technologies. The Plan presents a proposal to accelerate the deployment of V2X and sets the U.S. DOT’s vision, aspirational goals, and milestones, issuing a call to action for stakeholders, including government at all levels.

V2X is a part of NRSS’s comprehensive approach to reducing the number of roadway fatalities to zero. The NRSS specifically calls for the advancement of V2X wireless communications to further roadway safety.

Deployers can find information in this Plan on how to start deploying now with specific actions needed with stakeholder groups. This Plan identifies support available from the DOT and other resources and technical assistance as well as vital information to accelerate investment, research, and deployment in V2X technologies and helps stakeholders plan priorities.

The Department recently awarded $60 million under the Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment grant opportunity to advance connected and interoperable vehicle technologies in Arizona, Texas, and Utah. The initiative is intended to improve safety for the traveling public by enabling vehicles and wireless devices to communicate with each other and with roadside infrastructure. The grants are leading the way to make this broadscale V2X deployment a reality.

With this Plan, the U.S. DOT signals its commitment to pursuing a comprehensive approach to reduce the number of roadway fatalities to zero.

You can read the National V2X Deployment Plan here.

As ITS technology continues to evolve and V2X deployments continue to find success, the U.S. DOT is working with industry and other stakeholders to continue adopting these technologies and strategies nationwide. Together, we can create a safer and more reliable transportation network for all road users.

Brian Cronin, Director, ITS JPO

Posted 8/22/24