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NanoPi V2X Hub Setup

These NanoPi V2X Hub instructions only apply to users who are building their own CAVe-in-a-Box and using a NanoPi. Any other single-board computer may be used. If using another computer, please use the recommended operating system provided by the vendor.

Installing OS

  1. Download appropriate image file for NanoPi on your PC.
    1. Download link provided:
    2. Un-zip downloaded package.
  2. Using an image installer, install the image on your SD card.
    1. If loaned from Saxton Lab, an SD card is provided.
    2. A few image installers:
      1. Windows – Rufus.
      2. MacOS – Etcher.
      3. Linux – Etcher.
  3. Eject SD Card from PC when finished
    1. Insert in NanoPi.
    2. Connect NanoPi to a monitor via HDMI.
    3. Power NanoPi.

Installing V2X-Hub

  1. Establish an internet connection.
  2. Open a Terminal (Terminator) and run:
    1. sudo apt-get install git
  3. Open a web browser and go to:
  4. Copy link for cloning:
  5. In Terminal, enter:
    1. git clone
  6. Following the ARM-specific instructions in the folder on GitHub:
    1. cd V2X-Hub/configuration/arm64/
    2. chmod +x
    3. sudo ./
  7. When prompted for a login:
    1. Login: v2xadmin
    2. Password: V2xHub#321
    3. This will be your V2X-Hub administrator login information
  8. Installation will automatically begin. Skip to section 11 if no errors occur
    1. If confronted with error “No module named setuptools_rust,” enter:
      1. python3 –m pip install setuptools
      2. python3 –m pip install setuptools-rust
    2. Copy and paste “sudo...cargo” under Debian/Ubuntu from website to Terminal:
      2. When prompted, select <Yes>
    3. python3 –m pip install cryptography
      1. If cryptography install fails, run:
        1. sudo apt-get update
        2. Repeat steps 8d-8e
  9. Once cryptography is successfully installed, run the previously failed setup using:
    1. sudo pip3 install docker-compose
  10. Repeat steps 6(c)-7.
  11. Installation is complete.
    1. In a browser, go to:
    2. Accept/save the credentials on the screen.
      1. Refer to figure 7.
    3. Open a new tab and go to
    4. Login to V2X-Hub using login information above.
This screenshot warns of a potential security risk. A user has the option to go back or accept the risk and continue ahead.

Source: FHWA.
Figure 7. Screenshot. Accept Security Credentials.

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J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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