Mark Your Calendars: Two Pre-Recorded Virtual Information Sessions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Deployment – Data for Decision Making

The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) is hosting two virtual information sessions to present the ITS JPO’s new data on public sector ITS deployment levels and demonstrate techniques for using the ITS JPO’s cost/benefit data to improve ITS investment decision making.

While the events will be pre-recorded, the ITS JPO invites you to submit questions in advance. View the session details below!

Virtual Information Session 1:
2020 ITS Deployment Tracking Survey Findings: The State of Public Sector ITS Deployment

This pre-recorded event will provide insights on the state of ITS deployment. It will highlight key findings from the Deployment Tracking Survey (DTS) administered from 2020 to 2021 and trends in ITS deployment. Conducted since 1997, the DTS gathers information from freeway, arterial, and transit agencies in 108 large and medium-sized metropolitan U.S. areas.

Speakers: Marcia Pincus, Program Manager, ITS Deployment Evaluation, U.S. DOT ITS JPO; Lora Chajka-Cadin, Social Scientist and Margaret Petrella, Social Scientist, U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.

Date: July 28, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm EDT
Registration Link: To register and submit questions, visit:

Virtual Information Session 2:
Using the ITS Deployment Evaluation Databases to Plan Your ITS Projects

This pre-recorded event will demonstrate how to use the ITS JPO’s ITS Databases to plan your next ITS project or potential investment. These ITS Databases summarize the benefits, costs, deployment levels, and lessons learned from over 25 years of evaluation research on the effectiveness of deployed ITS in transportation system operations. The session will demonstrate how these resources can be used throughout the ITS deployment lifecycle, illustrated with a sample project(s).

Speakers: Marcia Pincus, Program Manager, ITS Deployment Evaluation, U.S. DOT ITS JPO; Chris Bischak, Transportation Analyst, Noblis, Inc.; and Kathy Thompson, ITS Data Analyst, Noblis, Inc.

Date: August 4, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm EDT
Registration Link: To register and submit questions, visit:

Closed captioning services will be provided for both sessions.

To learn more about the ITS JPO’s Deployment Evaluation Program and its data and decision support resources, please visit:
