Research Archive
Research Plan
The primary focus of the National ITS Architecture program is on the following efforts:
- Track 1: Maintenance of the National ITS Architecture: This track is focused on activities to:
- Support and manage the evolution of the National ITS Architecture (including changes due to deployment experiences, changes in requirements, and changes due to results from public and private sector ITS research programs);
- Assist the US DOT policy makers in defining policy consistent with the National ITS Architecture, existing legislation (currently, MAP-21), and application regulations, including the "Architecture Rule" (23 CFR part 940);
- Maintain and upgrade the Turbo Architecture tool; and
- Support mapping of the ITS standards to the National ITS Architecture and participate in international ITS standards and architecture harmonization activities.
- Track 2: Deployment Support: Activities in this track are focused on providing ITS deployment support during the transportation planning processes at the State, regional, and metropolitan planning organization (MPO) levels (and, on occasion, at the local level); provide technical support and training in the architecture and systems engineering process; and promote and facilitate the use of the National ITS Architecture among Federal, State, local, and private sector planners, implementers, integrators, and manufacturers.
- Track 3: Border Architecture Coordination: This track focuses on continued technical support to ITS architecture activities along the United States and Canada border and, to the extent possible, future ITS architecture activities along the United States and Mexico border.
- Track 4: Development of a V2V and V2I (V2X) Cooperative Systems Architecture: Activities in this track focus on the development of the V2X cooperative systems architecture, using a systems engineering process. This architecture is called the Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA). Activities also include integrating this architecture with the existing National ITS Architecture and maintaining, upgrading, and enhancing the functionality of this new section over time, as well as participating in international harmonization of V2X architectures in Europe, Australia, Japan, and other countries, as appropriate.