The ITS JPO has four technology transfer programs under Accelerating ITS Deployment:
By integrating these programs that focus on knowledge and technology transfer into the Accelerating ITS Deployment program area, the ITS JPO has created a “lab-to-market” capability that supports transitioning federally funded innovations into use. By combining these four activities, the ITS JPO is better able to coordinate actions and resources to help accelerate the deployment of ITS.
Please explore this site for a more detailed description of the program and progress. We will continue to upload relevant program information for public consumption as it becomes available. For inquiries regarding the program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
Marcia Pincus
ITS Joint Program Office
Program Manager, ITS Deployment Evaluation
(202) 366-9230
Mike Pina
ITS Joint Program Office
(202) 366-3700