Module 43 - CV261

CV261: Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) ITS Standards for Project Managers

HTML of the PowerPoint Presentation

(Note: This document has been converted from a PowerPoint presentation to 508-compliant HTML. The formatting has been adjusted for 508 compliance, but all the original text content is included, plus additional text descriptions for the images, photos and/or diagrams have been provided below.)

Slide 1:

This slide contains a graphic with the word “Welcome” in large letters. ITS Training Standards “WELCOME” slide, with reference to the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology


Slide 2:

This slide contains a graphic with the word “Welcome” in large letters, photo of Kenneth Leonard, Director ITS Joint Program Office - - and on the bottom is a screeshot of the ITS JPO website -


Slide 3:


Vehicle-to-lnfrastructure (V2I) ITS Standards for Project Managers

Author’s relevant description: This slide shows the Mission statement; underneath is a photo of CV environment where several vehicles are wirelessly shown connected. The photo supports the mission statement.

Updated October 2020


Slide 4:


The slide entitled "Instructor" has a photo of the instructor, Raman K Patel, Ph.D., PE, on the left-hand side.

Raman K Patel, Ph.D., P.E.


RK Patel Associates, Inc.


Slide 5:

Learning Objectives


Slide 6:

Learning Objective 1


Slide 7:

Where V2I Discussion Fits Related to ARC-IT Framework

Author’s relevant notes: Key Message: NTCIP Remote Communication. This diagram, which is taken from the National ITS architecture known as ARC-IT (Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation), provides a high-level overview of the connections in an ITS system. We have highlighted the connections covered in this module CV261 and in CV262. For CV261, Center is connected to Support, Traveler, and Vehicle via V2I Wide Area Wireless and from Field to Traveler and Vehicle via V2I Short Range Wireless. Considering the architecture from this most abstract (highest) level, the general interactions between physical objects can be shown at the class level as shown in the figure. All of the interactions (Center to Center, Center to Field, etc.) are part of ITS, so they are all included in the ITS Class. Only specific interactions apply to the more specific classes. For example, the Center to Center interaction only applies to Center- and Support-Class physical objects. Center to Center communications does not apply to Field-, Vehicle-, or Personal-Class physical objects.

NTCIP: National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol

ARC-IT: Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation


Slide 8:

Components of the CV Environment

This slide contains on the left a figure of the CV environment, where at top, several moving cars are shown, vertically below several hand-held devices such as a cell phone are shown, and below it, a building is depicted as infrastructure. To the right side of the image, the components of the CV Environment text appears in a bullet list corresponding to the three parts of the figure.


Slide 9:

Dynamic Ad-hoc V2X Wireless Connectivity

Participants constantly changing, communicate safety applications messages frequently under changing speeds-doppler shifts.

Author’s relevant description: This slide shows on the right a photo image of a pedestrian walking and labeled V2P and a highway segment below to show V2I environment. To the left an image shows movements of vehicles that is, V2V. Together the images on the slide convey how greater situational awareness is created for the wirelessly connected vehicles-V1I, V2P, and V2V, in all V2X.


Slide 10:

Identify V2I Services (Devices)

What is Roadside Unit (RSU)?

A field device that supports secure communications with connected devices, and may include a computing platform running applications. The RSU exchanges data among nearby connected devices (vehicles or mobile devices), other ITS Roadside Devices, and management systems at centers (such as a Traffic Management Center (TMC) or a Connected Vehicle Back Office System).

-- Ref: NTCIP 1218


Slide 11:

Identify V2I Services (Communication)

Primary Function of the RSU

Transmit/Receive Messages/Data from Devices Nearby

Author’s relevant description: This slide has a photo on the right that shows an RSU installed in the City of Dublin, Oh and a vehicle with an OBU image on the left; in between a broadcast symbol is how, via Information trasnfer Over-the-Air. The slide conveys how OBU/RSU communicate using Radio broadcasts.


Slide 12:

Identify V2I Services (Internet Connectivity)

RSU Provides IPv6 Access to Remote Network

Author’s relevant description: The slide shows three protocol stacks showing layers and each labeled at top as TMC on leftmost, RSU in the middle and OBU stack on the right. All three are served with air interface between them. In addition, a real world TMC photo on left and a snow plough machine (OBU) on right top corner indicate how an internet communication is taking place using RSU as a gateway.

WAVE-Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments


Slide 13:

Identify V2I Services (Application)

Author’s relevant description: This slide shows a photo of a chip to convey radio operation and on the right a diagram shows how RSU communicates messages to other CV devices using 5.9 GHZ spectrum radio operation. Key Message: Quick introduction of what an application is and how each device is certified for conformance to application messages.. As show in the image, an application is an installed software (burned into a chip). Each application has a fixed PSID-Provider Service Identifier (in US). ISO name for similar number is ITS-AID. Second box on right shows a message certification process. The "provider service" that is assigned a PSID (also known as an "ITS Application" that is assigned an ITS-AID) is defined in an application specification, which is often standardized (e.g., SAE J2945/1 for basic safety awareness). The implementation of the provider service in software is performed independently; the software is not standardized, but it should be certified to conform to its application specification to prevent abuse of the communications link.

PSID: Provider Service Identifier (in US)


Slide 14:

Author’s relevant description: This slide shows a photo of a wireless environment at bottom right corner, and application box at top, which derives data input from infrastructure and vehicles. Application processes that data and issues a warning to driver. Application uses received messages + internal sensor readings and application software algorithm process determines if a hazard exists or a collision is imminent. If so, application issues a warning/alert to driver. Applications standards are NOT yet developed. This representation is presented to convey what goes into an application process and what coms out-next slide will help us understand how applications influence outcomes for transportation challenges and expected benefits.


Slide 15:

Targeted CV Applications Address Challenges

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author’s relevant description: This slide shows a figure of three challenges: safety at top, mobility in the middle and environment at the bottom. To the right, text appears for each as expected benefit.

Safety has the following challenges:

Safety has the following benefits:

Mobility has the following challenges:

Mobility has the following benefits:

Environment has the following challenges:

Environment has the following benefits:


Sources: Data from USDOT, 2018


Slide 16:

Technological Benefits of Vehicle Connectivity

Author’s relevant description: Technological Benefits of Vehicle Connectivity - This slide shows a photo of a CAV, Connected Autonomous Vehicle, with inputs from CV at bouton and AV at top. This slide conveys that both AV and CV activities facilitate CAV as overall vehicle connectivity as benefit. Key Message: The reduced congestion and smoother traffic will result in significantly reduced emissions and assist in the deployment of automated technologies that will further reduce emissions. The AV will be dependent on CV platform and overall aspects of movements are common, hence meeting all encompassing vehicle connectivity objectives.


Slide 17:

Summary: V2I Communication

Understanding CV Environment

✓ Dynamic
✓ Includes V2X
✓ Short Range Communication
✓ Radio Broadcasts: Single Hop-Short Messages


Slide 18:

Summary: V2I Communication (cont.)

"Build" Your Ad-hoc Wireless Infrastructure

  1. Use ARC-IT framework to develop CV Architecture
  2. Identify CV Applications using SEP
  3. Procure compliant devices using standards
  4. Conduct Testing and Certification Process

Checklist icon used to indicate a process that is being laid out sequentially.

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following table and text:

# Projects Infrastructure OBU/ASD
Planned 76 3,106 3,635
Operational 67 9,230 20,037
Total 143 12,336 23,672

36,008 CV Devices
Source: USDOT VOLPE, Aug 2020)

OBU-Onboard Unit
ASD-Aftermarket Safety Device
SEP-Systems Engineering Process


Slide 19:

Activity Placeholder: This slide has the word “Activity” in large letters at the top of the slide, with a graphic of a hand on a computer keyboard below it.


Slide 20:


Which of the following is NOT always a part of V2X communication services and not always used?

Answer Choices

  1. Onboard Unit (OBU).
  2. Roadside Unit (RSU).
  3. Roadside Equipment (RSE).
  4. Center to Field (C2F) Communication.


Slide 21:

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) Onboard Unit (OBU) is required for V2V communication.
Incorrect answer. OBU is part of V2V communication.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) Roadside Unit (RSU) is required for V2I communication.
Incorrect answer. RSU is needed for V2I communication.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) Roadside Equipment (RSE).
Incorrect answer because RSE is part of V2I communication.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.d) Center to Field (C2F) Communication.
Correct answer, Typically, NTCIP covers C2F with remote communication.


Slide 22:

Learning Objective 2


Slide 23:

List the Components of V2I Network

Communication Network

✓ Roadside Equipment (RSE)
✓ Roadside Unit (RSU)
✓ Backhaul Communication to TMC

This slide contains a graphic at bottom that depicts a radio broadcast operation.


Slide 24:

Components of V2I Network: RSE

RSE Functions

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of a cabinet on right that shows series of text boxes in it showing the Controller Unit (CU) and Backhaul Modem Device connected to the Roadside Unit (RSU), which connects to a GPS, Wireless Antenna. Key Message: Roadside Equipment (RSE) term is used to describe the complement of equipment to be located at the roadside; the RSE will prepare and transmit messages to the vehicles and receive messages from the vehicles for the purpose of supporting the V2I applications. This is intended to include the DSRC radio, traffic signal controller where appropriate, interface to the backhaul communications network necessary to support the applications, and support such functions as data security, encryption, buffering, and message processing. It may also be referred to as the roadside ITS station. When speaking of the DSRC radio alone, the correct term is RSU.

Global Positioning System (GPS) provides "UTC-Coordinated Universal Time" to synchronize devices.


Slide 25:

Components of V2I Network: RSE

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a figure of RSU mounted on a pole and below that a traffic controller box in which wire connections are shown. The RSU is thus connected to a controller device. To the left of the photo is the following text which points to relevant sections of the RSE and traffic controller box:

Typical RSE



Slide 26:

Components of V2I Network: RSU

RSU Performs Radio Broadcasting Operation

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic mast arm mounted RSU on left, and pole mounted RSU images on right bottom.Key Message: Outline factors affecting performance of RSU. The installation of the RSU is dependent upon local design, policies, and available infrastructure; an RSU can be mounted directly on a traffic pole or mast arm, or installed in an adjacent cabinet to ensure radio communication objectives can be met.


Slide 27:

V2I Communication Requirements

WAVE - Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment
WSMP - (WSM-Wave Short Message Protocol (WSMP) and IPv6) are supported.
RSU - Roadside Unit
OBU - Onboard Unit
LTE - Long Term Evolution
DSRC - Dedicated Short Range Communication


Slide 28:

Communication for CV Applications

Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)

This slide contains a graphic of 5.9 GHz spectrum in yellow, ranging from 5.850 GHz to 5.925 GHz.


Slide 29:

Current DSRC Channel Design

Channel Assignment

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of 5.9 GHz spectrum channel design currently assigned that includes a green box for SCH 172, blue box for SCH 174, 176 followed by a Yellow box for CCH 178, next SCH 180-182 and last a RED box for SCH 184. Purpose: Channels breakdown is introduced. This is necessary because FCC has designated allocated channels for specific uses. Every DSRC vehicle is listening. Service Channel (SCH)172 dedicated to public safety applications e.g. collision warning. Control Channel (CCH) 178 advertises services available on other channels. SCH 184 reserved for emergency vehicles uses higher power.


Slide 30:

Communication for CV Applications

Emerging Technology: LTE-V2X

3GPP - Third Generation Partnership Project
LTE - Long Term Evolution


Slide 31:

Low Latency Communication Requirements

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of a wireless environment in which V2V and V2I communication takes place. A text box in the figure shows definition of latency, which reads: Latency is end-to-end time delay experienced in a system for a message transfer. 0.1 sec., for example. DSRC and LTE-V2X meet this requirement.


Slide 32:

Identified CV Applications

Detailed Descriptions Available at: pilot apps.htm

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This figure contains the following text: Each category is linked to individual application. Please click title for description. To the side is the list of categories as shown below with an arrow pointing to Agency Data:

V2I Safety

Red Light Violation Warning
Curve Speed Warning
Slop Sign Gap Assist
Spot Weather Impact Warning
Reduced Speed/Work Zone Warning
Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk
Warning (Transit)

V2V Safety

Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Intersection Movement Assist (IMA)
Left Turn Assist (LTA)
Blind Spot/Lane Change Warning (BSW/LCW)
Do Not Pass Warning (DNPW)
Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus Warning (Transit)

Agency Data

Probe-based Pavement Maintenance
Probe-enabled Traffic Monitoring
Vehicle Classification-based Traffic Studies
CV-enabled Turning Movements & Intersection Analysis
CV-enabled Origin-Destination Studies
Work Zone Traveler Information


Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections
Eco-Traffic Signal Timing
Eco-Traffic Signal Priority
Connected Eco-Driving Wireless Inductive/Resonance Charging
Eco-Lanes Management
Eco-Speed Harmonization
Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Eco-Traveler Information
Eco-Ramp Metering
Low Emissions Zone Management
AFV Charging/Fueling Information
Eco-Smart Parking
Dynamic Eco-Routing (light vehicle. transit, freight)
Eco-ICM Decision Support System

Road Weather

Motorist Advisories and Warnings (MAW)
Enhanced MDSS
Vehicle Data Translator (VDT)
Weather Response Traffic Information (WxTINFO)


Advanced Traveler Information System
Intelligent Traffic Signal System (I-SIG)
Signal Priority (transit, freight)
Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System (PED-SIG)
Emergency Vehicle Preemption (PREEMPT)
Dynamic Speed Harmonization (SPD-HARM)
Queue Warning (Q-WARN)
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)
Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency
Respondent (RESP-STG)
Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers (INC-ZONE)
Emergency Communications and Evacuation (EVAC)
Connection Protection (T-CONNECT)
Dynamic Transit Operations (T-DISP)
Dynamic Ridesharing (D-RIDE)
Freight-Specific Dynamic Travel Planning and Performance Drayage Optimization

Smart Roadside

Wireless Inspection
Smart Truck Parking



Slide 33:

Targeted V2I Applications Examples

This figure contains text to the left that reads, SPaT Data Enables Many High-Value Applications for Safety/Mobility and Environment, which is bracketed and points to the following text boxes, the top three in red, the next two in blue, and the last in green: RED Light Violation Warning (RLVW), Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk Warning (PSCW), Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), Traveler Information, Transit Signal Priority (TSP), Eco-Traffic Signal Timing.


Slide 34:

Illustration: Curve Speed Warning (CSW) Application

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic on left that shows a sharp curve and on the right a photo of the filed application in which a graphic sign display with current speed. Driver is informed to take action. Key Message: Discuss CSW application-V2I. Figure from ORDOT provides an example of a dynamic curve warning system, also called Dynamic CSW. The figure on the left from Battle report shows curvature layout layout. The CSW application supports drivers in traversing a roadway curve at a safe speed in real-time. The system provides an alert/warning to drivers if their current travel speeds exceeds a safe/advisory speed for the curve.


Slide 35:

Illustration: Reduced Speed Work Zone Warning (RSZW) Application

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of a vehicle in motion on the right side and truck below that; both show in veh. Display of WZ information. To the left side, a chart of WZ rising accident data rate over time is shown. Key Message: The Reduced Speed Zone Warning (RSZW) safety application is intended to alert or warn drivers who are approaching a reduced speed zone if (1) they are operating at a speed higher than the zone’s posted speed limit and/or (2) the configuration of the roadway has altered (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts). Reduced speed zones include (but are not be limited to) construction/work zones, school zones, and incorporated zones (e.g., rural towns). Although the precise timing and algorithm of RSZW-issued alerts and warnings in relation to the approaching reduced speed zone have not been determined, a general overview of locations of alerts and warnings in relation to the zone is presented.


Slide 36:

Mobility Applications (V2I/V2V)

Speed harmonization to improve safety and mobility

Author’s relevant description: Key Message: Speed harmonization has the potential to smooth traffic, increase the number of vehicles that a roadway can handle, and improve safety by making it easier for drivers to change lanes when necessary. It also has the potential to reduce the number of rear-end crashes caused by drivers who do not brake early enough when they encounter slow-moving or stopped vehicles. Mobile traffic sensors send real-time conditions at a congested location to a traffic management center. A computer uses this information to calculate optimal speeds for vehicles approaching the congestion and sends the speeds to connected vehicles on the road via wireless communications. The drivers receive the recommended speeds and can adjust accordingly, or, in an automated vehicle, the vehicle could adjust to the recommended speed automatically. Speed harmonization is a method to reduce congestion and improve traffic performance by applying at points where lanes merge and form bottlenecks, the greatest cause of congestion nationwide. The strategy involves gradually lowering speeds before a heavily congested area in order to reduce the stop-and-go traffic that contributes to frustration and crashes.


Slide 37:

Safety Applications (V2I/V2V)

Railroad Crossing Violation Warning (RCVW)

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of a veh. Platoon in motion on the right side and a pie chart that shows congestion at 40% level. Together, the slide conveys how speed harmonization helps in dealing with safety and congestion at bottleneck locations. Key Message: Example shows how an approaching train at a railroad crossing can create risks for Vehicle, and Pedestrian and avoid such a situation by showing on augmenting on-board vehicle system and projecting vehicle display time needed to wait for safe crossing. 281 fatalities in 2018. The RCVW safety application is intended to improve the safety of at-grade railroad crossings, regardless of whether the roadside signage is static or a dynamic signal warning system.


Slide 38:

Assessment of Impacts of Alerts Enhanced-Pedestrian in Crossing Warning (E-PCW)

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic show of a moving bus in which the driver is provided with a display of pedestrian in the crosswalk. Key Message: Convey how scenarios –based and targeted warnings for drivers can help in reducing crashes/events and improve safety with CV applications. Basic Safety Messages are the foundation on which an application issues a warning to drivers to avert collision. In this photo we are demonstrating how a driver is being made aware of Ped activity inside the vehicle. Example of GCRTA is provided here to make a point about 16% increase in driver braking response. 6590 pedestrians fatalities in 2019-GHSA. 81% Correct alerts, 10% Incorrect alerts, 9% False alerts.


Slide 39:

Preparation for V2I Communication

Key Steps

  1. Prepare Communication Infrastructure
  2. Ensure Communication Requirements are met:
    ✓ DSRC 5.9 GHz Channel Design (or alternative medium such as LTE-V2X PC5 interface)
    ✓ Standards
    ✓ RSUs
    ✓ Applications
    ✓ Security
    ✓ Testing/Certification


Slide 40:

Activity Placeholder: This slide has the word “Activity” in large letters at the top of the slide, with a graphic of a hand on a computer keyboard below it.


Slide 41:


Which of the following is NOT a V2I application? Answer Choices

  1. Curve Speed Warning (CSW)
  2. Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
  3. Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
  4. Railroad Crossing Violation Warning (RCVW)


Slide 42:

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) Curve Speed Warning (CSW)
Incorrect. CSW is a V2I application.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
Incorrect. TSP is a V2I mobility application.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.c) Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
Correct! FCW is a V2V application, not V2I.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.d) Railroad Crossing Violation Warning (RCVW)
Incorrect. It is a V2I application.


Slide 43:

Learning Objective 3


Slide 44:

Why are standards consider essential?

Support interoperability to maximize benefits

Agencies can specify compliant V2X devices for applications from multiple vendors

Consistent messages can be constructed for multiple applications


Slide 45:

Types of Standards Required for V2I Communication

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains three boxes on the left with checked lists to the right of each box:

1st box in light blue: Transmission Standards for Wireless Connectivity

✓ IEEE 802.11(2016) DSRC Radio Operation
✓ IEEE 1609 Family of Standards for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) (2016, v3.0) for messages exchange

2nd box in dark blue: Interface and Dictionary Standards

SAE J2945/x Interface Standards
✓ SAE J2735 V2X Communications Message Set Dictionary

3rd box in green: ITS Field Devices and Center to Center Communication Standards

✓ NTCIP Standards
✓ RSU Specification v4.1 (2016)



Slide 46:

Transmission Standards for Wireless Connectivity

IEEE 802.11 (2016)


Slide 47:

Transmission Standards for Wireless Connectivity

IEEE 1609 Family of Standards for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)

IEEE 1609.0: Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) Architecture (2019)

IEEE 1609.2: Security Services for Applications and Management Messages 1609.2.1 adds Security Credential Management System (SCMS) (pending)

IEEE 1609.3: Network and Transport Services

IEEE 1609.4: Multi-Channel Operation Standards

IEEE 1609.12: Identifier Allocations


Slide 48:

WAVE Architecture Supports DSRC and LTE-V2X Communications

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains layers of WAVE protocol stack: to the left Management plane and to the right-side Data Plane is shown. Under the management plane, left most vertical box shows Security Services, next to it layer specific management entity box is shown. Next to that appears an Ipv6 stack and WSMP stack. Below each stack is lower layers shown as a layer with text 802.11or 3GPP PC5 interface. Together, the diagram depicts how WAVE stack is constructed at Networking and Transport layers. The general message is both IPv6 and WSMP protocols are supported and at PHY layer, both DSRC 802.11 and LTE-V2x communications are supported. At each layer bracket is provided with a pertinent IEEE 1809 standard used at that layer. IEEE 1609.3-WSMP is a common protocol at Networking and Transport Layers, 1608.4 Channel switching is at lower layers and MAC/802.11 at PHY layer. Security Services box at left is shown with 1609.2 standard. Each IEEE 1609 standard is thus allocated at desired layers.

(SAE stds. at Application Layer, not shown here)

Source: Justin McNew, IEEE 1609 WG, October 2020

WSMP-WAVE Short Message Protocol
TCP-Transmission Control Protocol
IP-Internet Protocol
UDP-User Datagram Protocol
MAC-Media Access Control


Slide 49:

Interface and Data Dictionary Standards




Slide 50:

Interface and Data Dictionary Standards

SAE J2945/X Sets Performance Requirements 201712/

Example: BSM, 10X/sec.


Slide 51:

Interface and Data Dictionary Standards

SAE J2735 V2X Communications Message Set Dictionary Specifies (2020):

This slide contains three horizontal boxes stacked on two boxes the below. The three horizontal boxes contain the text: Data Elements (DE) Primitive Objects e.g. Speed, Data Frames (DF) Collection of Data Elements, Messages (MSG) Collection of Data Elements and Data Frame(s), which are stacked the two boxes below: For BSMs, Part I covers core data elements for safety applications, broadcasted frequently, e.g. speed, and For BSMs, Part II covers Data elements to be added to Part I data, but broadcasted less frequently, e.g. windshield wiper status.


Slide 52:

Interface and Data Dictionary Standards

SAE J2735 Messages for CV Applications

MessageFrame (FRAME)
BasicSafetyMessage (BSM)
CommonSafetyRequest (CSR)
EmergencyVehicleAlert (EVA)
IntersectionCollisionAvoidance (ICA)
MapData (MAP)
NMEAcorrections (NMEA)
PersonalSafetyMessage (PSM)
ProbeDataManagement (PDM
ProbeVehicleData (PVD)
RoadSideAlert (RSA)
RTCMcorrections (RTCM)
SignalPhaseAndTiming Message
SignalRequestMessage (SRM)
SignalStatusMessage (SSM)
TravelerInformation Message (TIM)


Slide 53:

ITS Field Device Standards

Overview of the Scope of NTCIP 1202 ASC Standard

Author’s relevant description: This slide provides an overview of scope of ASC v3 standard by showing ASC in the middle and a TMC on the left side at top line figures, all are interconnected. To the right a photo of interconnected RSU is shown. Below ASC a signal cabinet is shown with an interconnect. At the bottom row a series of images conveys a wireless set up on the right side and signal heads under the cabinet.

Source: ITS PCB Module A315B

ASC-Actuated Signal Controller


Slide 54:

ITS Field Device Standards

RSU Specification v4.1

This slide contains three graphic images of a title page of RSU 4.1 specification report. Images depict a wireless network connectivity.


Slide 55:

Air Interface for V2X Communication

Supported by WAVE and IPv6 protocol stacks

Author’s relevant description: The slide shows three boxes with RSU, OBUs and WAVE protocol connectivity enabled Air Interface.


Slide 56:

Activity Placeholder: This slide has the word “Activity” in large letters at the top of the slide, with a graphic of a hand on a computer keyboard below it.


Slide 57:


Which of the following standards is NOT directly related to DSRC V2I communication, but can be used?

Answer Choices

  1. IEEE 1609 family (WAVE)
  2. SAE J2735 V2X communications message dictionary
  3. NTCIP 1202 v3.0 (ASC)
  4. IEEE 802.11


Slide 58:

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) IEEE 1609 Family (WAVE)
Incorrect. IEEE 1609 family standards enables wireless connectivity.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) SAE J2735 V2X communications message dictionary
Incorrect. It supports the BSM.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.c) NTCIP 1202 v3.0
Correct! It is part of the NTCIP application standards, not V2I wireless connectivity.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.d) IEEE 802.11
Incorrect. It supports the PHY layer medium in WAVE implementation for DSRC.


Slide 59:

Learning Objective 4


Slide 60:

This slide contains a graphic with the word "Case Study" in large letters. A placeholder graphic of a traffic control center indicating that a real-world case study follows.


Slide 61:

CV Project Development Challenges

Where to Start?

Project Level

Checklist icon used to indicate a process that is being laid out sequentially.

MPO-Metropolitan Planning Organization
SEP-Systems Engineering Process


Slide 62:

Step 1: Follow ARC-IT Framework Guidance

Example: Ohio Statewide Architecture Framework

V2I Components

Author’s relevant description: Example: Ohio Statewide Architecture Framework - For example purposes, this slide shows a series of text boxes to depict Ohio statewide CV architecture in which V2I interconnect with wireless connectivity is shown on the right side. Key Message: This case study shows how a statewide CV Architecture begins the V2I and V2V communication aspects based on ARC-IT framework. All elements of V2I components are discussed. Stresses the role of RSU, and V2I short range communication link and TMC support.


Slide 63:

Step 2: Identify CV/AV Applications: Prioritize

ODOT Identified 109 Applications

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This figure contains the following table, with the bullets in the Need-Based column in green, the bullets in the Project-Based column in orange, and the bullets in the Future Projects column in red:

Application Need-Based Project-Based Future Projects
Curve Speed Warning
End of Ramp Deceleration Warning (ERDW)
Reduced Speed Zone Warning/Lane Closure
Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk Warning
Red Light Violation Warning
SPaT MAP Display Signal Timing, Time to Green
Wrong Way Entry (WWE)
Speed Limit Warning
Spot Weather Impact Warning
Restricted Lane Warnings
Oversize Vehicle Warning
Stop Sign Violation Warning
Stop Sign Gap Assist




Slide 64:

Institutional Challenges

Data Ownership and Privacy


Slide 65:

Institutional Challenges (cont.)

Data Management Requires Partnerships

Author’s relevant description: This slide has three images in the middle that shows a bus on the left, a traffic signal in the middle and a RSU installation in the field. Together they convey how a bus may be deriving a TSP service from the traffic signal set up.

Example: Transit OBU must receive "SPaT" data and be able to issue a Signal Request Message (SRM) for TSP in a multi-jurisdictional operation.


Slide 66:

Technical Challenges

Key Areas

Checklist icon used to indicate a process that is being laid out sequentially.

SCMS: Security Credential Management System
* As of October 2020


Slide 67:

Technical Challenges (cont.)

Can new/updated applications (software) be installed into RSU/OBU (vehicles)?

This figure shows a box with SCH 175 on top of two boxes labeled SCH 174 and SCH 176. Key Message: OTA facilitates updates to CV devices using SCH 174-174.


Slide 68:

Technical Challenges (cont.)

Testing Requirements: What will be tested, how and by who?

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains an example graphic of a test set up at top left and bellow it a traffic controller.


10 vendors participated in the equipment testing

Author’s relevant description: FDOT test report cover page is shown.


Slide 69:

Technical Challenges (cont.)

Certification Requirements


Slide 70:

Technical Challenges (cont.)

Training Modules on CV Testing Available at:



Slide 71:

Summary of Implementation Issues and Support

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains a list of Stakeholders on the left:


Public Agencies
Vehicle Designers
OEM Manufacturers
ASD Vendors
Developers of Applications/Standards
Testing Engineers
Certification Groups
Academic Researchers
Vehicle/Fleet Owners

To the right of the Stakeholders is a bracket pointing to Implementation Issues:

Implementation Issues



Slide 72:

Activity Placeholder: This slide has the word “Activity” in large letters at the top of the slide, with a graphic of a hand on a computer keyboard below it.


Slide 73:


Which of the following is not a technical challenge? Answer Choices

  1. Testing for conformance to standards.
  2. Certification and interoperability testing of devices.
  3. Over the air Firmware (software) upgrades for devices.
  4. Data ownership.


Slide 74:

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) Testing for conformance to standards.
Incorrect. Testing is a critical step to ensure conformance to published standards, it is a technical challenge.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) Certification and interoperability testing of devices.
Incorrect: CV devices such RSU have been addressed as a technical challenge.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) Over the air Firmware (software) upgrades for devices.
Incorrect. Software updates over the air is a technical challenge that is easily addressed.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.d) Data ownership.
Correct! Generally, an Institutional Challenge addressed by the project management.


Slide 75:

Learning Objective 5


Slide 76:

US CV Deployments

36,000 CV Devices Deployed as of August 17, 2020

Author’s relevant description, for example only: Uses of the 5.9 GHz band: Connected Vehicle Deployment Locations - Planned and Operational. This slide shows US DSRC deployments across the United States. The US Map shows CV deployments as of 2/2020. Range of deployments is noteworthy as major cities and regions are gearing up for this evolving technology. This map also touch base with deployment projects that may be expanded in urban areas as we progress further into CV implementations. SPaT applications are highlighted with arrows pointing to several locations on the map.



Slide 77:

Example: Snow plow Signal Priority (SPSP)-MnDOT

Provides plows the ability to request extended green or early green phases at traffic signals (SPaT)

Author’s relevant description: The slide shows an image of a corridor with traffic signals and a RSU installation that is being used by a snowplow machine on a MN DOT roadway section. IT conveys that the snowplow operator can request TSP by sending a SPaT message for priority at traffic signals without stopping. Challenge Addressed is to the right with the following text: A Snow plow Operator needs reduced disruption of snow plow operations at signalized intersections, which results in incomplete snow removal and uneven application of surface treatments.


Slide 78:

CV Devices Implementation: Wyoming DOT

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following table with the value 75 in the Roadside Units (RSU) along I-80 row and the Complete column circled in red:

Wyoming Pilot (WYDOT) Complete Target
WYDOT Maintenance Fleet Subsystem On-Board Unit (OBU) 35 90
Integrated Commercial Truck Subsystem OBU 0 25
Retrofit Vehicle Subsystem OBU 16 255
WYDOT Highway Patrol 0 35
Total Equipped Vehicles 51 ~405
Roadside Units (RSU) along I-80 75 75


Source: USDOT 7/1/2920

Noteworthy Observation: use of WYDOT’s Systems Engineering documents helped CDOT to leverage lessons learned and avoid many potential mistakes, particularly on RSU operational data. (July 2020)


Slide 79:

CV Devices Implementation: Tampa CV Pilot

Please see extended text description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following table with the value 47 in the Roadside Units (RSU) at Downtown Intersections row and the Complete column circled in red:

Tampa Pilot (THEA) Complete Target
Private Light-Duty Vehicles Equipped with On-Board Unit (OBU) 701 1,080
HART Transit Bus Equipped with OBU 7 10
TECO Line Street Car Equipped with OBU 8 8
Total Equipped Vehicles 716 ~1,000
Roadside Units (RSU) at Downtown Intersections 47 47


Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic on the right side that has a RSU installation with a POE injector below it.

Noteworthy Observation: Pilot found that four of the forty-four RSUs were not communicating with the Master server. After a series of investigations, THEA concluded that some RSUs were not grounded properly and that lightning strikes were causing damage to the RSUs.

Source: USDOT



Slide 80:

CV Devices Implementation: NYC Pilot Project

Author’s relevant description: Installed over 1900 vehicles of a scheduled 3000 and Installed 447 RSUs of a scheduled 450, as of 9/29/20 - The number 447 is circled in red. This slide contains a graphic of a section of roadway on the left where RSUs are installed and to the right side a location in Manhattan where a RSU installation details is shown on the mat arm.

Noteworthy Observation: Verified Over-the-Air Firmware updates and applications parameters; multi-vendors environment.


Slide 81:

Lesson Learned from Deployments

Multiple-vendors ASD Interoperability Testing

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of actual photo of testing site inside a park is depicting two vehicles, one from TEMPA and one from NYC CV pilots and also from Wyoming CV pilot, with an arch showing wireless connection with interoperabity in mind. Key Message: CV Interoperability is being tested, to verify CV vendor equipment to work in harmonization (communication, data formats, coding, DSRC channel loading, messages formats and protocols). Interoperability is essential to ensure effective connectivity among devices and systems. Interoperability focuses on enabling ITS elements in vehicles, devices, infrastructure, and applications to effectively communicate with other parts of the system as needed, regardless of where or when they are built and used. Interoperability will be critical with the implementation of connected vehicle systems and the introduction of automated transportation systems as system interdependencies increase in number and complexity. Depicts Equipment to work in harmonization communication, data formats, coding, DSRC channel loading, messages formats and protocols. CV Pilots progress reports/current activities available at:


Slide 82:

Lesson Learned from Deployments

What have we tested?

✓ V2V/V2I Communications

✓ Interoperability, tested the reception of OTA (broadcasts) messages; BSMs, SPaT/MAP

Applications performance testing was done separately by CV Pilots within their own test programs.

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic a report title page with an image on it showing two vehicles being tested.

OTA-Over The Air


Slide 83:

RSU Related Lessons Learned from CV Pilots Deployments

Best Practices

Procurement 12: Reduce risk by selecting multiple suppliers.

Design 18: Design RSUs to continue broadcasting through jamming activities.

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a simple graphic of the Connected Vehicle Deployment Technical Assistance report.



Slide 84:

Resources for CV Training Available at: stds_modules.aspx


Slide 85:

Additional Information on V2I Applications

Author’s relevant description: This slide contains a graphic of two reports with title page with an image of a wireless network on the report on left and a work zone image on the report on the right side.


Slide 86:

Activity Placeholder: This slide has the word “Activity” in large letters at the top of the slide, with a graphic of a hand on a computer keyboard below it.


Slide 87:


Which of the following is NOT a true statement? Answer Choices

  1. Testing has shown that Interoperability is achievable.
  2. V2I applications such TSP are successfully deployed.
  3. DSRC is a reliable communication medium.
  4. Performance testing is completed during CV pilots.


Slide 88:

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) Testing has shown that Interoperability is achievable.
Incorrect, Devices/systems are tested and found to be interoperable.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) V2I applications such as TSP are successfully deployed.
Incorrect, TSP application is widely implemented.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) DSRC is a reliable communication medium.
Incorrect, DSRC has been successfully used in US for both V2V and V2I communications.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.d) Performance testing is completed during CV Pilots.
Correct! Performance testing was left to agencies, not performed by the CV pilots.


Slide 89:

Module Summary


Slide 90:

We have Now Completed the V2X Curriculum


Slide 91:

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